Monday, May 19, 2014

When A Client Starts To Lift Their Shirt While Asking, "Does This Look Infected To You?"

I am not a nurse and am definitely not making enough money to pretend I am one!


  1. OMG! This used to happen to me all the time!! The exchange went something like this:
    Client: "Does this look infected?"
    Me (as I turn my back away): "STOP! I did not go to nursing school, medical school or anything that would prompt me to look at anyone's owies unless I gave birth to you! And that didn't happen! Cover it up. If it's hot, swollen or oozing I'll get you a bus pass. I will vomit all over your shoes if you try to show that to me again. Note do you need a bus pass?"

  2. It's gotten to the point where it's not just an occasional occurrence, it's now a game of "how many times in a week can this happen?"

  3. It happened so often other clients would holler out, "Don't show that to her!!"
